Club Notes Week 6 2021
ANNUAL MASS was held on Mon Feb. 1 in St. Marys Cathedral with the kind permission of Fr. Kieran O'Brien. It was streamed on our Facebook page. Mass was celebrated by two of our Vice Presidents Canon Tom Looney and Fr. Paddy O`Donoghue along with Fr. Dick Dowling singers were club members Lily & Jean Foley accompanied by Noel Patrick O`Sullivan. We would like to thank Fr. Kieran, Sacristan Tadhg Fleming and our videographer John C O`Shea for their help and co-operation.
LOTTO draw took place on Monday February 8th numbers drawn were 1 18 24 25 JACKPOT €6,500 not won. 4 Patrons matched 3 numbers and receive €100 Mary Lyne c/o Eileen Daly, Lisa Courtney c/o Matt, John O`Leary, Mike Griffin c/o John O`Leary . Jackpot for draw on February 15th will be €6,500
We are calling on all members to support our weekly lotto as this represents one of the main sources of revenue for the club. With activity likely to recommence on the fields over the next few weeks we need people’s support to maintain our facilities in Lewis Road. We have made a number of alterations to make things easier for members to play the easiest one being to play it online by following the link below And follow instructions attached
When you click on the link it brings you to the Clubforce Main page. From here click Club name Dr. Crokes GAA. This brings you to another page that you again put in Dr. Crokes, which in turn brings you to the Dr.Crokes home page. From here click lotto and the rest follows on. Alternatively download the Clubforce app,
MEMBERSHIP is now due and we urge you to pay through the Clubforce App.
we are appealing for members to download app on their phone as this will be the main means of communicating going forward. If possible if registering more than one member you give individual phone and emails. (for communications).
LAST MAN STANDING we had a tremendous entry for this fundraiser thanks to all who participated. Another large number exited the competition over the weekend, up to date results are published on our Face book page after each series of games.
CLUB SPECIFIC GUIDELINES– for activities post Dec 31st
In level 5 and under the current restrictions in the North, individual training only is permitted – neither adult nor underage teams may train collectively.
GAA club grounds must stay closed.
Club games are not permitted
Dressing rooms, showers and all other indoor training facilities should remain closed for club activities.
Club Gyms must remain closed until further notice.
No indoor meetings can be held.
All officer Training must be delivered online. Outdoor coaching education courses are not permitted.
No organised indoor gatherings can take place under the current restrictions.
Commercial use of indoor halls (for example by state bodies – e.g. HSE/Schools is permitted where agreement was in place prior to March and relevant insurance are in place.No outdoor gatherings on GAA property are permitted.
Exception: Walkways may stay open for use by the community with social distancing in place.
BIRTHDAY GREETINGS to former Juvenile Star Sean (Big Broz) Brosnan, and former Chairman Patrick O`Sullivan who celebrated in the last week.
SYMPATHY to the Wren & Gaffey families on the death of Michael Wren. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam dilis.
Dr. Crokes Facebook