Club Notes Week 10 2021
LOTTO draw took place on Monday March 8th numbers drawn were 1 2 13 28 JACKPOT €5,000 was not won. 4 patrons Matched 3 numbers and receive €100 each. Patti Hope c/o Teddy, Claire Stack, Ginny c/o JCs Ellie & Richard Whelan Kings Park. Jackpot for draw on March 15th will be €5,000
We are calling on all members to support our weekly lotto as this represents one of the main sources of revenue for the club. With activity likely to recommence on the fields over the next few weeks we need people’s support to maintain our facilities in Lewis Road. We have made a number of alterations to make things easier for members to play the easiest one being to play it online by following the link below And follow instructions attached
When you click on the link it brings you to the Clubforce Main page. From here click Club name Dr. Crokes GAA. This brings you to another page that you again put in Dr. Crokes, which in turn brings you to the Dr.Crokes home page. From here click lotto and the rest follows on. Alternatively download the Clubforce app,
CHELTENHAM BUSTER 16TH -19TH MARCH €1, 500 entry fee €20. Pick a horse in each race on 4 days of Cheltenham Festival. If your horse wins you get 10 points plus the number of points for SP of your horse. 6 points for second 3 points for 3rd. enter online by text, whatsapp or by returning your card to Vince Caseys office before 11.30pm on each day of racing. Further info Vince 0872461599 Conor 0874075766. Daily updates A early return of entries would be greatly appreciated. For administration purposes. on
MEMBERSHIP Registrations now open...This is a reminder that Dr. Crokes GAA member registration is now open for 2021 season.
If you want to register and cannot remember your password, please click the “Reset Password” button and follow the steps.
We ask that you register as soon as possible so as to reduce the significant burden of managing this process on club registrar and committee.
You can register online using the link below...Here's looking forward to a successful 2021 for us all...!
We are appealing for members to download app on their phone as this will be the main means of communicating going forward. If possible if registering more than one member you give individual phone and emails. (for communications).
LAST MAN STANDING congratulations to Anton O`Callaghan who scooped the pot.
DR. CROKES SHOP you can now shop worldwide new selection of Jackets, gilets masks and snoods and other items. Shop online https/
VIRTUAL ST. PATRICKS DAY PARADE We are looking for 10 to 15 second video clips of our juvenile members (or senior members, if you are brave enough) in club and national colours to put together a virtual Dr. Crokes' St Patrick's Day Parade on our club media platforms on 17 March. So, get inventive and submit your video clips through WhatsApp to 087 955 4831before Sun. March 14th. Then, sit back and enjoy our Dr. Crokes' St Patrick's Day Parade to be aired early on our National Festive Day.
FAMILY Fun Competition in the next few weeks we will be running a fun competition all ready committed to participating are Colm & Mark Cooper Fionn and Cilian Fitzgerald Tony and Steve Brosnan Micheál and Mickey Joe Burns. Áine and Leah McMahon. Further detail to follow.
Am Comórtais / Competition Time
HEALTH & WELL Crokes’ Health & Wellbeing Club- Phase 3We can’t go to Croke Park in person, but all of our members can link-in there. They are planning several initiatives for clubs such as ours and it is all going to be free.
First up is the------------
GAA Museum Virtual Book Club
You can still learn more about Gaelic Games and the history of the Association by becoming a member of their new virtual GAA Museum Book Club. Each month the GAA Museum team will choose a well-known GAA book to read and review. At the end of the month, the museum will host a free online interview with the author, in which you can submit questions and comments. The ambition of the book club is to review some of the great GAA books and to give us all a much-needed sporting boost as we stay at home.
You can find out more and how to get involved via the following link:
It is a simple sign-in and away you go then;
I have already asked Croke Park to consider featuring excellent GAA books written by Dr Crokes’ members.
1 How to play Gaelic Football published in 1914 Author Dick Fitzgerald
2 King in a Kingdom of Kings ( 2008) The biography of Dick Fitzgerald. Author Canon Tom Looney
Any queries, you may contact me. Eamonn Fitzgerald r Crokes’ Health & Wellbeing Club- Phase 3
We can’t go to Croke Park in person, but all of our members can link-in there. They are planning several initiatives for clubs such as ours and it is all going to be free.
First up is the------------
GAA Museum Virtual Book Club
I have already asked Croke Park to consider featuring excellent GAA books written by Dr Crokes’ members.
1 How to play Gaelic Football published in 1914 Author Dick Fitzgerald
2 King in a Kingdom of Kings ( 2008) The biography of Dick Fitzgerald. Author Canon Tom Looney
If you have any queries, you may contact Eamonn Fitzgerald 0876298606
To whom it concerns and/or applies check into the Croke Park
February Wellbeing Calendar
Irish Life Health have developed a Calendar of resources for February, with a Focus on Women’s Health & Cancer Care, it is available to view and download here:
WorkLife- -Wellbeing-Schedule_Health.pdf (
Minimum Fitness Test
Operation Transformation, in collaboration with DCU School of Health and Human Performance, have developed the Minimum Fitness Tests to demonstrate the minimum fitness standard for your age group. These tests are designed to show you where you sit within the minimum standards of physical fitness and give you a target to aim for within your age bracket and gender. You can find details of this attached to this email and also via the following link: Operation Transformation 2021 » Operation Transformation Minimum Fitness Test (
HSE Stress Control Online
This is and evidence-based programme that teaches practical skills to deal with stress. It will help you to recognise the signs of stress such as how stress affects our bodies and our thoughts and help to develop skills to overcome panicky feelings and how to get a good night’s sleep. The course runs for three weeks starting on the 8th of March (timetable attached) and you can find further details at the following link:
Irish Life Health – Wellbeing
Irish Life Health have developed a hand wellbeing calendar for the month of March which focuses primarily on, preventative health and financial wellbeing. The calendar includes lot of links to different resources and webinars that will be of interest to Dr Crokes’ Healthy Club and community. click here to access the calendar: WorkLife-March-Wellbeing-Schedule_Health.pdf (
PLAYERS INSURANCE 1. Because all GAA activities are discontinued at the moment any claim for injury is unlikely to be entertained by the Player Injury Fund Administrators if sustained during personal training activity or during other training before clubs are given the green light to resume activity by GAA Headquarters. Until then all players must understand that they participate in training activity at their own risk.
2. Heretofore the Player Injury Fund could pay injured players €300 per week for 26 weeks in respect of Loss of Wages. All clubs have now been notified by GAA Headquarters that for the moment and the immediate future Loss of Wages Claims WILL NOT be paid.
CLUB SPECIFIC GUIDELINES– for activities post Dec 31st
In level 5 and under the current restrictions in the North, individual training only is permitted – neither adult nor underage teams may train collectively.
GAA club grounds must stay closed.
Club games are not permitted
Dressing rooms, showers and all other indoor training facilities should remain closed for club activities.
Club Gyms must remain closed until further notice.
No indoor meetings can be held.
All officer Training must be delivered online. Outdoor coaching education courses are not permitted.
No organised indoor gatherings can take place under the current restrictions.
Commercial use of indoor halls (for example by state bodies – e.g. HSE/Schools is permitted where agreement was in place prior to March and relevant insurance are in place. No outdoor gatherings on GAA property are permitted.
Exception: Walkways may stay open for use by the community with social distancing in place.
BEST WISHES to All Ireland winning Club Captain in his new business Venture Eleven 77 - The Food Bus
BIRTHDAY GREETINGS belated wishes to Sarah Byrnes who recently received the Key Of the Door.
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